
  the first wealth is health.    --emerson    健康是最重要的财富。    --爱默生    a man is never too old to learn.    --thomas middleton    活到老,学到老。    --米德尔顿    he lives long that lives well.    生活得有价值就是长寿。    育儿金言    at every step the child should be allowed to meet the real experiences of life; the thorns should never be plucked from his roses.    --ellen key    应该允许孩子在成长中的每一步都体验真正的生活,决不要把刺儿从他的玫瑰上拔掉。    --埃伦·基    leave virtue and kindness to your children instead of property──only this can bring happiness to them.    --ludwig van beethoven    把美德、善行传给你的孩子们,而不是留下财富,只有这样才能给他们带来幸福。    --贝多芬    we find delight in the beauty and happiness of children that makes the heart too big for the body.    --emerson    我们为孩子的美丽和幸福感到无比的欢乐,这欢乐使我们的心灵博大的身躯难以容纳。    --爱默生    感恩父母    we never know the love of the parents until we become parents ourselves.    --henry ward beecher    直到我们自己成了父母才明白父母之爱。    --比彻    it is a wise father that knows his own child.    --william shakespeare    明智的父亲理解自己的孩子。    --莎士比亚    thank you for making me feel valuable.    感谢您使我认识自己的价值。    thank you for shrinking to my size when we played and expanding to great heights when i needed shelter and protection.    你在和我们一起玩耍时变得和我们一样稚气,而在我们需要庇护和呵护时,又变得无比高大有力。